State Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 2
Qualifying History  

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Helen HELLSTEN - Margaret FOSTER
19Bijan ASSAEE - Margaret KLASSEN-242.382.3834
232Marcia SCUDDER - Inez GLANGER-96.358.7336
336Simon STANCU - Fran MARTIN110.4719.20350.18
46Heath HENN - Richard LINDSAY2718.1937.39280.36
510Michael COURTNEY - Linden RAYMOND-106.0143.4030
639Elizabeth ADAMS - Andrew PEAKE512.1855.58270.36
735Nicholas RODWELL - Fraser REW-173.9659.5433
817Julian FOSTER - David WESTON010.0069.54320.18
915Sally CLARKE - Garry CLARKE1615.7885.32260.36