State Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 2
Qualifying History  

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Bernard EDELSTEIN - Peter COX
16Heath HENN - Richard LINDSAY1916.5316.53110.36
222Michael WILKINSON - Susan CROMPTON512.1828.7140.36
34Helene PITT - Ruth TOBIN-86.6935.4013
427Nicoleta GIURA - Nick HUGHES-135.0740.4719
511Nazife BASHAR - Kinga MOSES-440.0040.4732
624Peter JEFFERY - Robert SEBESFI-96.3546.8234
720Catherine CHAFFEY - Andrew GOODCHILD3018.6965.51280.36
828Toni SHARP - Marilyn CHADWICK-77.0672.5728
923Terry BODYCOTE - Steve BARON-67.4380.0030