2014 Gunnedah Congress
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 4
Swiss Pairs Match Scores Round 3 

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PairNamesIMPsVPsTotal VPsRank
13Peter BEATON - Patricia CARTER2017593
26Gerald DAWSON - Eric BAKER1413546
30Olive CARTER - Virginia GAVEL3022612
19Elisabeth HEATH - Wendy BRADY1084811
16Ian LISLE - Vicky LISLE1164514
18Brian GLOVER - Rachel PRICE3624621
6Rosemary BARCLAY - Diana KOCH1815537
3Ian PRICE - Bruce TIER1915537
29Pam GIRLE - Patricia MADDEN2322593
2David TUCKER - Glenda PARMENTER484514
27Manfred JUNGE - Annette MCKAY2922565
25Phillip MASON - Lesley MASON1084417
23Deborah STONEMAN - Fay TORRENS17164712
12Merran ADAMS - John ADAMS14144514
24Frances DUNN - Brenda WITTS783920
5Dianne HASLER - Sandra CURRAN2622537
1Michael JOHNSON - Rachel RICH30205010
20Frank GOOLEY - Cecilia DRIES16103821
4Ann LUKE - Coz PILDITCH6103525
17Pam BRADFORD - Rosemary THOMSON21204613
10Marg WAUGH - Marge CLIFT17164019
22Ann WAUGH - Nancye FARQUHAR15143722
9Margaret STEVENS - Glen JONES5103228
8Helen CLIFT - Gwenda BARNIER18204318
21Margaret BARGER - Mary DITTON14143427
15Judy PATTEN - David PATTEN16163624
11Leone NOLAN - Vonda ASHTON23173525
7Lois SHANNON - Elizabeth FREND17133228
14Sylvia KIRKBY - Carolyn MITCHELL582530
28Robyn FERGUSON - Bruce WITTS25223722