2014 Brisbane Water Super Congress
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 6
Restricted/Novice Swiss Pairs History  

Click on the opponent's number to display the match results
Click on the names to display the opponent's history
Carol LONG - Faith ROSS
1512Kerrel WALKER - Moira BURGESS8181860.19
2521Cathy HUI - Judith LAMBKIN-214327
3520Jamaluddin RAYANI - Parveen RAYANI-3443621
4503David CORNEY - Margaret CORNEY172157130.19
5506Alma VAN DER WALT - Draudi ODEWAHN33258280.19
6504Beverley SIVEWRIGHT - Molly O'NEILL-7129410
7509John MITCHELL - Kathy MITCHELL-2859914