2014 ANC Butler Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 7
Open and Women's History  

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Heather CUSWORTH - Frances LYONS
129David HUDSON - Anita CURTIS-87.397.3930
224Don HUANG - Jack CHEN2516.5523.94130.56
320Julian FOSTER - David WESTON-204.4228.3626
43Margaret FOSTER - Elizabeth FANOS1614.7043.06160.56
59Marilyn CHADWICK - Toni SHARP-87.3950.4521
65Giselle MUNDELL - Nevena DJUROVIC-332.1452.5935
78Vicky WEI - Judy ZHU2015.5868.17250.56
84Marcia SCUDDER - Inez GLANGER-381.4669.6336