2014 ANC Butler Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 6
Open and Women's History  

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Margaret FOSTER - Elizabeth FANOS
126Catherine CHAFFEY - Wayne SMITH311.0511.05210.56
211Judy MOTT - Rita NAILAND1414.2225.27100.56
312Lorna ICHILCIK - Rena KAPLAN-243.6328.9025
46Heather CUSWORTH - Frances LYONS-165.3034.2035
58Vicky WEI - Judy ZHU1013.1847.38270.56
64Marcia SCUDDER - Inez GLANGER812.6159.99220.56
71Nazife BASHAR - Kinga MOSES311.0571.04210.56
87Helena DAWSON - Sophie ASHTON-214.2175.2529