2010 John Arkinstall State Open Team Finals
results | match scores | boards | cross table | pair rankings | draw for round 7
Round Robin Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 6 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

111Tony HUTTON - Tina ZINES653.051.5
281Michael ROSS - Adrian THOMPSON644.045.5
342Peter JAMIESON - Axel JOHANNSSON618.024.2
452Les GREWCOCK - Alex YEZERSKI611.016.5
571Pauline GUMBY - Warren LAZER611.09.3
672Andrew PEAKE - Orlando WU68.06.6
712Peter WOOD - Leo GOOREVICH23.04.5
862Marjorie ASKEW - Bill POWELL6-3.04.0
931Karen ODY - Christine HADAWAY64.02.5
1022Berenice FOLKARD - Pauline EVANS6-11.0-3.2
1132Garry CLARKE - Sally CLARKE6-6.0-6.9
1221Nevena DJUROVIC - Jamie EBERY6-3.0-7.8
1351Ted CHADWICK - Toni SHARP6-2.0-8.9
1413Fred CURTIS - Bob SEBESFI4-25.0-27.4
1541Rita NAILAND - Avril ZETS6-26.0-29.7
1661Eric HURLEY - Janet BROWN6-35.0-39.0
1782Kevin DOUGLAS - Phillip WILLIAMS6-41.0-41.8