2010 Brisbane Water Super Congress
results | boards | match scores
Swiss Pairs Restricted Match Scores Round 7 

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PairNamesIMPsVPsTotal VPsRank
1David ADAMS - Wendy CARPENTER17141261
9Megan SUTHERLAND - Hugh WICHMANN22161183
4Wayne MORGAN - Rodney BELL18171175
8Myra WATHAROW - Ronda YOUNG10131222
12Maris TAYLOR - Lisa DUNPHY13161166
14Kathleen LORD - Murrell JARVIS9141117
15Carol FARRELL - Janet SLIGHT3710018
19Carol LONG - Robyn SERRA29231183
16Martin JOHNSON - John DUNCAN21181117
5Paul ROOMS - Neil MELVIN111210313
3Susan BROOKS - Janis MCALOON13161069
10Marilyn CALLAGHAN - Laurie POWELL101410511
22Heath COOK - Barry COOK101310216
21Beverley SIVEWRIGHT - Molly O'NEILL16171069
20Carol ANDERSON - Marilyn JARRETT11149919
13Jenny BUCKLEY - Kerrel WALKER131610313
17Joan BALE - Margaret CARTER201810313
23Austin DRISCOLL - Helen HOBBS11129522
18Hope TOMLINSON - Barry FOSTER13169919
2Tricia NOLAN - Sandra DUNTON9149919
7Pamela TOWNSEND - Pauline PEARSON201910117
6Paula PETTERSSON - Christine WAMSLEY7119223
11Kenneth HALL - Bruen DRESSLER1386624
24Jurate PETRAUSKAS - Jean HAGGAR352210511