2009 North Shore Bridge Club Super Congress
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 4
Super Congress Watermark Swiss Pairs Match Scores Round 3 

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PairNamesIMPsVPsTotal VPsRank
1Betty PRIESTLEY - James SHANNON22134017
514Lidia PUNTURIERO - Ian PLUMMER27174516
2Eugene GRACZYNSKI - Allan ROSENBERG1716488
508Edward CHADWICK - Tony BOND14144811
3Noel TOBIN - Jeanette ABRAMS16163920
520Bruce MINCHINTON - Michael GOH14143824
4Henrietta HOHNEN - Barbara ANDERSON583622
510Frances LYONS - Heather CUSWORTH2622536
5Julie GUTHRIE - Mark GUTHRIE2321641
503Carmel BOURKE - Patricia MANN79527
6Marlaine GAHAN - Helen JEFFERY1817534
512Garry CLARKE - Sally CLARKE13134713
7Eva KOWALCZYK - Gheorghi BELONOGOV2623488
517Robin DEVRIES - Sue SELIKMAN273526
8Joan POLIVNICK - Beryl DAWSON16103027
505Bina KASSAM - Denise BARNES30204022
9Judy MARKS - Egon AUERBACH3225495
506John HUNT - David ADAMS252727
10Judy ZHU - Bo SHANG17154413
523Nicky STRASSER - Michael WILKINSON18154615
11Lammie BARRETT - Rosa PANG79495
518Milan DUROVIC - George FINIKIOTIS2421601
12Kay O'CONNOR - Pat O'CONNOR11163821
513Patrick DUNCH - Fiona BALLARD9143725
13Elly URBACH - Les VARADI24184711
501Robin DENT - Barbara GREEN17124417
14Lorna ICHILCIK - Mannie ICHILCIK9134314
502Robin HO - Alexander COOK1417499
15Prue SIEMSGLUESS - Mischa SOLAR1613495
525Peter COX - Margaret PUSSELL2017518
16Louise MONTZ - Louise KOBLER684314
515Bruce PLUMMER - Peggy WHITE2622554
17Pauline EVANS - Nevena DJUROVIC2922592
519Bob LYGO - Roger HORTON984417
18Maureen MOSS - Anne KIRKPATRICK20164017
526Shirley PHILLIPS - Michael PHILLIPS18144121
19Peter JEFFERY - Julian ABEL911488
509Joan STOBO - Elaine DIGNAN2019562
20Margaret OWEN - Harry BERBERIAN13164314
504Barbara MADELEY - Marilyn GRASS11144319
21John SCOTFORD - Patrick NEARY1394512
527Phaik YAO - Glenys FITZPATRICK3021554
22Jean WILLIAMS - Marjorie THOMAS593225
516Kim MORRISON - Marilyn CHADWICK21214713
23Witold CHYLEWSKI - Peter CISZAK15164017
521Brenda KAPLAN - Helene JACOBSON13144022
24Frances GARRICK - Peter MARSH2117553
522Marlene WATTS - Patsy MCCARTNEY1613499
25Eric LINDH - Patricia PHILLIPS893126
524Terry BODYCOTE - Peter BENDELSTEIN26214220
26Janet ROWLATT - Steve COMNINOS693324
511Liz WILKINSON - Kay MOYES23214811
27Shirley LAU - Jill HARRISON573622
507Gary GOLDSMITH - Don FORREST2923562