2009 North Shore Bridge Club Super Congress
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 5 | cross table | pair rankings
Watermark Bridge Classic Round-Robin Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 4 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

132P Gill - A Peake490.069.4
241K Dyke - I Del'monte457.041.5
342S Burgess - M Prescott445.034.0
372J Hornibrook - O Wu431.034.0
582S Bock - K Davies416.026.6
621A Mill - P Markey426.012.6
762T Ong - R Jedrychowski4-1.011.1
811B Haughie - A Braithwaite413.07.1
912B Richman - P Gosney427.06.4
1031P Gumby - W Lazer41.0-4.9
1171J Mottram - L Quittner4-29.0-5.5
1261D Wiltshire - M Courtney4-26.0-11.6
1351G Ware - M Abraham4-49.0-34.6
1481A Yezerski - L Grewcock4-61.0-45.1
1522S Hinge - K Bagchi4-47.0-60.1
1652N Rodwell - S Winkler4-93.0-80.9