2016 NSW Butler Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 8
Swiss Pairs History  

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Mathew VADAS - Michael WILKINSON
120Linden RAYMOND - Margaret KLASSEN0.0010.0010.00220.28
242Jane BEEBY - Philip BEEBY8.0012.4022.40190.56
323Robert SEBESFI - Richard DOUGLAS-29.002.5224.9234
418Michael MCAULIFFE - Richard CARTER27.0017.0641.98200.56
541Julian FOSTER - David WESTON-9.007.3049.2828
69Berri FOLKARD - Helen LOWRY12.0013.6062.88200.56
734Nico RANSON - Christophe RHODES-8.007.6070.4825
814Catherine WHIDDON - David FARMER15.0014.4284.90160.56