2023 North Shore Bridge Club Almost Winter Online Teams
results | boards | match scores | pair rankings | draw for round 4
Teams Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 3 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

121Shan LAWSON - Stephen CALCROFT334.030.5
222Kathy DUKE - Shannon QUEREE317.012.0
342Harry HABERLIN - Jo AMPHERLAW32.04.5
431Lorna DAVIES - Sharon THOMPSON31.00.7
532Felix SHTEYMAN - David CRAIG3-2.0-1.5
641Peter NAPIER - Russell SPEAR3-11.0-12.0
712Meera KUDVA - Brian OSBORNE3-21.0-17.0
811Jack ABRAMS - Leesa ABRAMS3-20.0-17.2