2023 Open Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 2 | cross table
Open Final History  

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Nazife BASHAR - Kinga MOSES
11Tony NUNN - Paul DALLEY1.61.606.8970.36
25Warren LAZER - Pauline GUMBY-31.4-31.40-24.5110
39William POWELL - Marjorie ASKEW-11.8-11.80-36.3110
48Tomer LIBMAN - Lavy LIBMAN-1.8-1.80-38.11100.36
510Fraser REW - Julian FOSTER6.46.40-31.7190.72
63Peter JEFFERY - Wayne ZHU5.65.60-26.1190.72
74Nicoleta GIURA - Nick HUGHES10.610.60-15.5190.72
86Maurits VAN DER VLUGT - Dagmar NEUMANN-29.1-29.10-44.619
97Yumin LI - Simon ZHANG12.612.60-32.0190.72