2023 Open Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 12
Open Stage 2 History  

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Catherine CHAFFEY - Lynleigh EVANS
1503Phil HALLORAN - Chris HAMAM17171750.28
2502Warren ROBINSON - Matt SMITH882540.28
3501Peter JEFFERY - Wayne ZHU-2-2233
4512Yumin LI - Simon ZHANG-21-2127
5511Fraser REW - Julian FOSTER-11-11-910
6510Mary Anne HINGERTY - Rick LU99090.28
7509Ruth TOBIN - Tony ONG-4-4-49
8508Margaret FOSTER - Helen LOWRY55180.28
9507Warren LAZER - Pauline GUMBY-12-12-119
10506Mike HUGHES - Bruce NEILL-4-4-158
11505William POWELL - Marjorie ASKEW33-1280.28
12504Ben CHOSID - John DE RAVIN-2-2-148