2023 Open Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 11
Open Stage 2 History  

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Fraser REW - Julian FOSTER
111Martin BLOOM - Steven BOCK-15-15-157
212Maurits VAN DER VLUGT - Dagmar NEUMANN25251010.28
31Tony NUNN - Paul DALLEY881830.28
42Nazife BASHAR - Kinga MOSES16163410.28
53Catherine CHAFFEY - Lynleigh EVANS11114510.28
64Tomer LIBMAN - Lavy LIBMAN20206510.28
75Lorna ICHILCIK - George FLEISCHER19198410.28
86Nicoleta GIURA - Nick HUGHES-2-2822
97Patrick JIANG - Hui LI338520.28
108Dennis ZINES - Tina ZINES13139820.28
119Robbie FEYDER - Liz SYLVESTER101010820.28
1210Di COATS - Alan BUSTANY262613410.28