2023 Open Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 9
Open Stage 2 Match Scores Round 8 

Click on number to view the match result
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PairNamesIMPsVPsTotal VPsRank
1Tony NUNN - Paul DALLEY141225
506Mike HUGHES - Bruce NEILL13-1-509
2Nazife BASHAR - Kinga MOSES15-10284
507Warren LAZER - Pauline GUMBY2510941
3Catherine CHAFFEY - Lynleigh EVANS12518
508Margaret FOSTER - Helen LOWRY7-5-5110
4Tomer LIBMAN - Lavy LIBMAN10-4433
509Ruth TOBIN - Tony ONG14435
5Lorna ICHILCIK - George FLEISCHER1813-2910
510Mary Anne HINGERTY - Rick LU5-13-12112
6Nicoleta GIURA - Nick HUGHES8218
511Fraser REW - Julian FOSTER6-2822
7Patrick JIANG - Hui LI10-10156
512Yumin LI - Simon ZHANG2010144
8Dennis ZINES - Tina ZINES1515511
501Peter JEFFERY - Wayne ZHU0-15-26
9Robbie FEYDER - Liz SYLVESTER243-5912
502Warren ROBINSON - Matt SMITH21-3-378
10Di COATS - Alan BUSTANY1311107
503Phil HALLORAN - Chris HAMAM2-11-7911
11Martin BLOOM - Steven BOCK3510-3611
504Ben CHOSID - John DE RAVIN25-10-137
12Maurits VAN DER VLUGT - Dagmar NEUMANN129452
505William POWELL - Marjorie ASKEW3-9683