2022 John Arkinstall State Teams Qualifier
results | match scores | boards | cross table | pair rankings | draw for round 2
Session 4 Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 1 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

1101Rena KAPLAN - Giselle MUNDELL115.07.5
231Nazife BASHAR - Kinga MOSES114.07.0
276Bruce NEILL - Arjune DE LIVERA114.07.0
4112Ron KLINGER - Peter BUCHEN111.05.5
516Andrew PEAKE - George FLEISCHER110.05.0
652Robbie FEYDER - Margaret FOSTER19.04.5
6126Catherine ZHANG - Wei ZHANG19.04.5
841Michael COURTNEY - Joan BUTTS13.01.5
951Heath HENN - Colin CLIFFORD12.01.0
9111Warren LAZER - Pauline GUMBY12.01.0
1142Tony ONG - Ruth TOBIN10.00.0
1161Bob SEBESFI - Richard DOUGLAS10.00.0
1172David WESTON - Julian FOSTER10.00.0
1191Sherlock SHAO - Kelsey CHEN10.00.0
1526George BILSKI - Philip BEEBY1-2.0-1.0
1582Christine HANLEY - Craig MIETZKE1-2.0-1.0
1792Patrick JIANG - Hui LI1-3.0-1.5
1811Les GREWCOCK - Martin BLOOM1-9.0-4.5
1881Di COATS - Alan BUSTANY1-9.0-4.5
20121Fraser REW - Helena DAWSON1-10.0-5.0
2121Nick JACOB - Jane BEEBY1-11.0-5.5
2262Cevat EMUL - Steven BOCK1-14.0-7.0
22102Diana SMART - Nevena DJUROVIC1-14.0-7.0
2432Tina ZINES - Marcia SCUDDER1-15.0-7.5