2022 John Arkinstall State Open Team Finals
results | match scores | boards | cross table | pair rankings | draw for round 4
Round Robin Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 3 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

181Michael COURTNEY - Joan BUTTS358.052.2
232Sylvia FOSTER - Jaan OITMAA347.049.5
362Peter GILL - Liz SYLVESTER354.039.7
452Marjorie ASKEW - William POWELL325.022.3
541Warren LAZER - Pauline GUMBY327.018.3
642Ron KLINGER - Peter BUCHEN119.016.5
743Peter BUCHEN - Terry BROWN2-1.0-2.7
851Janet BROWN - Anne JACKSON22.0-6.8
931David BOWERMAN - Dasha BRANDT3-7.0-7.0
1071Henry HUDSON - Bronwyn BOEHM3-13.0-9.4
1182Tony ONG - Ruth TOBIN3-3.0-10.7
1211Eric LINDH - Patricia PHILLIPS3-24.0-12.5
1353Clive KLUGMAN - Gary LYNN1-22.0-13.0
1421Terence PALMER - Mick MCAULIFFE3-15.0-13.7
1561Martin BLOOM - Tony NUNN3-19.0-14.7
1622Alex GLIKIN - Michael YOUNG3-31.0-19.0
1712Catherine CHAFFEY - Chris BAYLISS3-51.0-42.0
1872Pauline ERBY - Gil CLARKE3-46.0-47.2