2022 Newcastle Congress
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 2
Swiss Pairs Match Scores Round 1 

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PairNamesIMPsVPsTotal VPsRank
1Aldo RUSSO - Mary RUSSO00.000.0034
19Pam ROBINSON - Fay LARKIN3420.0020.001
2Graeme SCHUBERT - Charmain MILLS41.501.5031
20Sarah EDELMAN - Ron SZANCER3218.5018.504
3Ian VAN ALTENA - Howard BRIDGMAN2115.5015.509
21Jody SWAINE - Paul ROOMS54.504.5025
4Marcelle GOSLIN - John ALDERSLEY127.487.4820
22Charmaine PATTISON - Nigel EVES1912.5212.5215
5Sue EASTMAN - Roy COTTON1510.0010.0017
23Jeff BIDDLECOMBE - Jill ACHURCH1510.0010.0017
6Alison LEA - Effie ROACH3119.0019.003
24Carol PARKER - Sharon VERSTEEGE11.001.0033
7Vincia MARTIN - Giles MARTIN104.754.7523
25Paul MCGRATH - Michael SIMES2515.2515.2511
8Pauline PRIEST - Mary MAHORIC34.754.7523
26Sue-Ellen DEACON - Pam WOODAGE1815.2515.2511
9Jake ANDREW - Frances LYONS3417.5017.506
27Pamela KYTE - Alison REID102.502.5028
10Janet HILL - Bernie ADCOCK3417.5017.506
28Mark GUTHRIE - Julie GUTHRIE102.502.5028
11Ailsa KEARNEY - Peter GOODWIN51.501.5031
29Julian FOSTER - David WESTON3319.5019.502
12Shirley CROCKETT - Noel CROCKETT2815.2515.2511
30Mark TOBIN - Susan READING136.056.0521
13Wanda LITTLE - Merlyn MORRIS32.502.5028
31Chris DIBLEY - Michael SELDON2718.5018.504
14Graham WOODS - Grant GAMAGE128.928.9219
32David CORNEY - Margaret CORNEY1511.0811.0816
15Line DAVIDSON - Sam YORK2215.5015.509
33Sharon MAYO - Greg MAYO64.504.5025
16Don MILLER - Sharron MARTON2516.0016.008
34Caroline CAREY - Julie FRASER-EASTON74.004.0027
17Chris ELLIS - Diana ELLIS2015.0015.0014
18Alan BUSTANY - Pauline CAUST65.005.0022