2022 Seniors' Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | cross table | draw for round 4
Final History  

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Elliott KAPLAN - Peter GILL
15Ross STUART - Chris SUNDSTROM11.001.0050.21
21Warren LAZER - Pauline GUMBY21.821.8022.8040.42
32Mike HUGHES - Bruce NEILL-4.8-4.8018.005
410Wei ZHANG - William ZHANG33.0021.0040.42
53Nigel ROSENDORFF - Martin BLOOM-8.8-8.8012.205
611Avinash KANETKAR - Peter BUCHEN-20.6-20.60-8.407
76Steven BOCK - Rakesh KUMAR-15.8-15.80-24.209
84Liz SYLVESTER - George FLEISCHER-1.2-1.20-25.4080.21
109Phil HALLORAN - Warren ROBINSON3830.004.6060.42
118Paul LAVINGS - Robert KROCHMALIK-9.2-9.20-4.607