2022 Open Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 9
ITS Swiss Pairs History  

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Liz ADAMS - Andrew PEAKE
118Emi KAIWA - Alex PENKLIS1415.4415.4440.14
29Margaret FOSTER - Colin CLIFFORD-19.253.0118.4511
314Aleksandar MILOVANOVIC - Cevat EMUL6.6312.8731.3280.14
411Judith TOBIN - Liz SYLVESTER-0.1310.0041.3280.07
54George FINIKIOTIS - Leo GOOREVICH-4.388.3649.689
67Nazife BASHAR - Kinga MOSES6.1612.4662.1470.14
712Andy SEBESTYEN - Frank BUDAI-57.9570.099
85Michael COURTNEY - Giselle MUNDELL-163.9474.0313
93Liz FANOS - Linda AUBUSSON11.3814.5188.54100.14
101Dennis ZINES - Tina ZINES-3.138.7797.3110
1113Avril ZETS - Helena DAWSON10.1314.10111.4180.14
1217Ruth TOBIN - Helene PITT-0.889.59121.0090.07