2022 Open Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 5
ITS Swiss Pairs History  

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Catherine CHAFFEY - Alexander COOK
116Di COATS - Alan BUSTANY-1.259.599.59100.07
24George FINIKIOTIS - Leo GOOREVICH-23.51.5011.0917
317Ruth TOBIN - Helene PITT-15.753.9415.0318
43Liz FANOS - Linda AUBUSSON210.8225.85180.14
518Emi KAIWA - Alex PENKLIS8.3813.2839.13170.14
68Martin CLEAR - Jacky GRUSZKA3.5211.6450.77150.14
77Nazife BASHAR - Kinga MOSES5.2512.0562.82140.14
82Jeanette ABRAMS - Julianne ROCKS5.512.4675.28110.14
95Michael COURTNEY - Giselle MUNDELL-25.630.9076.1816
1011Judith TOBIN - Liz SYLVESTER8.1313.2889.46150.14
1110Yumin LI - Peter JEFFERY-27.380.6090.0616
1212Andy SEBESTYEN - Frank BUDAI11.2514.51104.57160.14