2022 Open Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 5
ITS Swiss Pairs History  

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Aleksandar MILOVANOVIC - Cevat EMUL
17Nazife BASHAR - Kinga MOSES-48.368.3611
216Di COATS - Alan BUSTANY311.2319.5990.14
315Liz ADAMS - Andrew PEAKE-6.637.1326.7210
410Yumin LI - Peter JEFFERY9.514.1040.8290.14
52Jeanette ABRAMS - Julianne ROCKS20.1317.3058.1250.14
69Margaret FOSTER - Colin CLIFFORD-2.558.7766.896
71Dennis ZINES - Tina ZINES-19.52.7069.5910
812Andy SEBESTYEN - Frank BUDAI5.2512.0581.6480.14
913Avril ZETS - Helena DAWSON4.1311.6493.2880.14
108Martin CLEAR - Jacky GRUSZKA13.3815.13108.4150.14
115Michael COURTNEY - Giselle MUNDELL-222.10110.519
1218Emi KAIWA - Alex PENKLIS6.1312.46122.9770.14