2021 State Teams Qualifying
results | match scores | boards | pair rankings | draw for round 3
Swiss Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 2 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

1262Jeanette ABRAMS - Liz FANOS255.051.8
2132Rena KAPLAN - Giselle MUNDELL226.031.3
3202Julian ABEL - Peter JEFFERY218.022.0
471Nicoleta GIURA - Nick HUGHES214.020.8
5131Dagmar NEUMANN - Susan HUMPHRIES216.015.0
6261Margaret FOSTER - Colin CLIFFORD217.013.0
761Alan BUSTANY - Di COATS27.06.3
8201Ruth TOBIN - Helene PITT22.05.3
9211Liz SYLVESTER - Axel JOHANNSSON29.04.0
1062Craig MIETZKE - Christine HANLEY20.02.8
1172Bulent KAYTAZ - Cevat EMUL2-4.02.3
12212Mathew VADAS - George FLEISCHER21.0-0.3
13121Alexander COOK - Heath HENN2-1.0-5.0
1481Alex PHILLIPS - James PALMER2-5.0-9.0
1521Warren ROBINSON - Alex PENKLIS2-15.0-11.8
16152Frances LYONS - Julianne ROCKS2-16.0-15.0
17151Jake ANDREW - Jacky GRUSZKA2-19.0-26.0
1822Phil HALLORAN - Emi KAIWA2-34.0-30.0
1982Ailsa PEACOCK - Tamara DE MEL2-29.0-32.0
20122Catherine CHAFFEY - Andrew GOODCHILD2-42.0-45.3