2021 State Teams Qualifying
results | match scores | boards | pair rankings | draw for round 2
Qualifying Pool D Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 1 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

122George FINIKIOTIS - Steven BOCK18.04.0
221Kevin DAVIES - Rakesh KUMAR17.03.5
312Mathew VADAS - George FLEISCHER15.02.5
351Jane BEEBY - Michael WILKINSON15.02.5
542Marnie LEYBOURNE - Viv WOOD13.01.5
652Kate MCCALLUM - Jane DAWSON12.01.0
731Warren LAZER - Pauline GUMBY1-2.0-1.0
811Liz SYLVESTER - Axel JOHANNSSON1-3.0-1.5
932Nico RANSON - Jamie THOMPSON1-5.0-2.5
941Lynn KALMIN - Lorna ICHILCIK1-5.0-2.5
1162Jeanette ABRAMS - Liz FANOS1-7.0-3.5
1261Margaret FOSTER - Colin CLIFFORD1-8.0-4.0