2021 Coffs Online Super Congress
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 9
Swiss Pairs History  

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Janet HILL - Paul HILL
142Robin HO - Alexander COOK2.6511.5811.58370.27
278Felix SHTEYMAN - Janice OLEVSON-14.773.5815.1670
331Frank VEARING - Greg NICHOLSON6.8413.5928.75540.27
443Liz SYLVESTER - Dagmar NEUMANN6.3713.2842.03390.27
560Catherine CHAFFEY - Jane BEEBY110.4152.44380.14
633Rachel LANGDON - Nikolas MOORE-10.25.2657.7050
763Alec GILLESPIE - Dennis RAYMOND-37.360.0057.7073
829Helen LAVINGS - Kevin STEFFENSEN-0.879.5967.29710.14
949Bev PETERS - Ian BAILEY6.6413.2880.57710.27