2021 Coffs Online Super Congress
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 8
Swiss Pairs History  

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Christopher QUAIL - Julia HOFFMAN
141Pat PEPPER - Susan MCMAHON14.4716.2016.20130.27
270Peter ROBINSON - John ROGERS9.8814.7430.9480.27
326Frank BUDAI - Dominic KWOK15.4316.6347.5740.27
418Lynn KALMIN - Lorna ICHILCIK-19.462.4149.9821
583Barry FEYDER - Robbie FEYDER-2.638.4258.4023
673Ellen BORDA - Jane BISCOE4.2412.2970.69200.27
74Tony NUNN - Martin BLOOM-18.822.5973.2837
852Edward HAHN - Angeline CHRISTIE20.217.7691.04240.27
960Catherine CHAFFEY - Jane BEEBY5.212.63103.67190.27