2021 Coffs Online Super Congress
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 7
Swiss Pairs History  

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Catherine CHAFFEY - Jane BEEBY
167Jennifer SAWYER - Dot PIDDINGTON15.7216.6316.63120.27
237Sean MULLAMPHY - Tony BOND-0.759.5926.22200.14
315Richard DOUGLAS - Bob SEBESFI-5.977.0433.2639
473Ellen BORDA - Jane BISCOE-2.258.8042.0638
532Janet HILL - Paul HILL-19.5951.65410.14
671Peter LARDY - Sue BECKMAN-10.365.2656.9151
730Noel CROCKETT - Shirley CROCKETT17.0717.0373.94360.27
836Mathew VADAS - George FLEISCHER17.9617.2291.16230.27
914Christopher QUAIL - Julia HOFFMAN-5.27.3798.5329