2021 Coffs Online Super Congress
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 6
Swiss Pairs History  

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Elizabeth NEIL - Ceiny MAYBURY
173Ellen BORDA - Jane BISCOE-6.216.726.7265
212James WALLIS - Bill NASH-2.368.8015.5266
379Keith O'MALLEY - John DELANEY-5.887.0422.5671
477Kerry RYMER - Kit MEYERS0.8510.4132.97690.14
516Nick HUGHES - Nicoleta GIURA-30.680.2033.1783
690Max PATERSON - Jenny PATERSON-0.679.5942.76840.14
749Bev PETERS - Ian BAILEY-4.477.7150.4787
853Jane SWANSON - Sue ROBINSON10.8415.0065.47770.27
961Anne GOODING - Carol ANTHONY-20.42.0767.5484