2021 Coffs Online Super Congress
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 6
Swiss Pairs History  

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Julianne ROCKS - Judy MARKS
16Andrew PEAKE - Ron SPEISER-4.487.717.7158
275Frank HARDIMAN - Ken HUBBELL-6.246.7214.4372
368Siamak PARSANEJAD - Soussan RAHIMI10.6315.0029.43510.27
433Rachel LANGDON - Nikolas MOORE7.2813.5943.02320.27
522Frances LYONS - Helen LOWRY9.7814.7457.76250.27
623David SMEE - Derek MALTZ-21.271.9159.6745
737Sean MULLAMPHY - Tony BOND16.2416.8376.50300.27
821Sally CLARKE - Garry CLARKE9.3814.4690.96250.27
93Kim MORRISON - Bruce NEILL-31.870.0090.9646