2021 Coffs Online Super Congress
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 4
Swiss Pairs History  

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Sue SPURWAY - Krystyna HOMIK
118Lynn KALMIN - Lorna ICHILCIK-30.970.200.2091
286Elizabeth HONE - Sally SMITH5.3512.6312.83760.27
355Ken ANDERSON - Lindy ANDERSON-5.137.3720.2080
445Trish ANAGNOSTOU - Margaret PISKO10.1814.7434.94650.27
556Giza FLETCHER - Sandra MILNER11.8515.5050.44450.27
658Peter CLARKE - Hans VAN WEEREN-0.429.5960.03430.14
719Helen MILWARD - Gary BARWICK-30.330.3160.3466
872Sue FALKINGHAM - Sue MARTIN9.8714.7475.08600.27
936Mathew VADAS - George FLEISCHER1.1110.8185.89530.14