2021 Coffs Online Super Congress
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 4
Swiss Pairs History  

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Peter GILL - Jane DAWSON
171Peter LARDY - Sue BECKMAN4.9612.6312.63300.27
227Yumin LI - Peter JEFFERY6.9613.5926.22200.27
313Neil EWART - David SMITH1.8811.2037.42190.27
483Barry FEYDER - Robbie FEYDER-3.728.0645.4828
520Liz FANOS - Margaret FOSTER6.7613.2858.76220.27
636Mathew VADAS - George FLEISCHER1.6710.8169.57220.14
751Denise BARNES - Hamid SADIGH5.8412.9682.53190.27
87George KOZAKOS - Phil GUE-29.40.4282.9536
921Sally CLARKE - Garry CLARKE15.6216.6399.58260.27