2021 RealBridge Online
State Teams Qualifying Knock-out Round 2 Results Set 1 

Click on the set results to display the scorecard
Team #TeamC/FSet 1TotalSet 2Total
1 ZHANG   22 22 28 50
2 LAZER   43 43 22 65
Team members
ZHANGWilliam Zhang - Wei Zhang - Avril Zets - Tony Ong
LAZERWarren Lazer - Pauline Gumby - Nico Ranson - Jamie Thompson
Team #TeamC/FSet 1TotalSet 2Total
3 BUCHEN   45 45 27 72
4 KAPLAN   24 24 38 62
Team members
BUCHENPeter Buchen - Terry Brown - Ron Klinger - Ian Thomson - Matt Mullamphy
KAPLANElliott Kaplan - Nigel Rosendorff - Fraser Rew - Nick Rodwell
Team #TeamC/FSet 1TotalSet 2Total
5 BLOOM   7 7 14 21
6 NUNN   27 27 22 49
Team members
BLOOMMartin Bloom - Peter Gill - Liz Adams - Andrew Peake
NUNNTony Nunn - Paul Dalley - Maurits Van Der Vlugt - Andre Korenhof
Team #TeamC/FSet 1TotalSet 2Total
7 FINIKIOTIS   13 13 29 42
8 DIBLEY   48 48 40 88
Team members
FINIKIOTISGeorge Finikiotis - Kevin Davies - Steven Bock - Rakesh Kumar
DIBLEYChris Dibley - Michael Seldon - Wayne Smith - Peter Livesey