Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 8
Open Final History  

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Wayne ZHU - Yixiang ZHANG
14Pauline GUMBY - Warren LAZER-10-10.00-9.1112
211Sartaj HANS - Avinash KANETKAR-10.5-10.50-19.6112
31Julian FOSTER - David WESTON4.024.02-15.59110.60
49David FRYDA - Michael CARTMELL1.661.66-13.9390.30
52Tony NUNN - Paul DALLEY-14.81-14.81-28.7412
610Giselle MUNDELL - Rena KAPLAN17.3417.34-11.40100.60
75Susan HUMPHRIES - Liam MILNE-1.84-1.84-13.2490.30
83Ben CHOSID - John DE RAVIN-5.35-5.35-18.599
96Liz ADAMS - Andrew PEAKE9.169.16-9.4370.60
1012Kim MORRISON - Avon WILSMORE-18.16-18.16-27.598
117Sophie ASHTON - Nabil EDGTTON-4.33-4.33-31.928