Jacaranda Teams on RealBridge
results | match scores | boards | cross table | pair rankings | draw for round 6
Swiss Teams Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 5 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

111Lyn CARTER - Malcolm CARTER577.082.7
282Wei ZHANG - Wayne ZHU548.058.2
322Joan BUTTS - Tom WYKOFF552.057.4
4101Noelle KEBBY - Tony WOOLFORD536.029.4
542Steven BOCK - Ruth TOBIN526.018.8
671Julianne ROCKS - Liz FANOS520.017.4
791John SCUDDER - Alan COOPER516.017.1
812Terry STRONG - Jill MAGEE513.012.7
951Mrinal DEY - Bal KRISHAN52.09.5
1081Nicoleta GIURA - Nick HUGHES5-1.07.2
11122Imogen VON MUENCHHAUSEN - Ian WRIGHT54.06.8
1241George FINIKIOTIS - Kevin DAVIES53.03.5
1321Catherine WHIDDON - Vivien ELDRIDGE54.03.3
1492Marcia SCUDDER - Inez GLANGER56.02.7
15112Phil ARMITAGE - Sandie ARMITAGE5-9.0-3.5
1652Lucia MENDONCA - Ian NAPIER5-15.0-15.8
17121John BENTLEY - Dorothea BONNEY-MCCOY5-9.0-16.7
18102Sam KEBBY - Sue DONOHUE5-11.0-19.1
19111Marianna XERRI - Pamela TOWNSEND5-17.0-20.7
2032Stephen BRABYN - Tony LYE5-23.0-26.2
2172Frances LYONS - Heather CUSWORTH5-38.0-34.0
2231Pat FULTON - David WEATHERALL5-47.0-56.5
2362Manda LABUSCHAGNE - Robyn PEARCE5-63.0-63.0
2461David REDDEL - Wendy GILLARD5-74.0-71.2