Online RealBridge - Mondays
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 3
IMP Swiss Pairs History  

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Pauline GUMBY - Warren LAZER
117Liz FANOS - Margaret FOSTER2.8311.9011.90160.12
237Nick HUGHES - Nicoleta GIURA14.517.3529.2540.12
39Elliott KAPLAN - Bernard EDELSTEIN10.1715.8345.0820.12
428Wayne ZHU - Wei ZHANG-13.63.1148.1910
533Walt DAVIS - Jeff CARBERRY19.2318.5666.7550.12
618Neil EWART - Simon HENBEST5.7313.5380.2820.12
722Maurits VAN DER VLUGT - Andre KORENHOF1.3810.9991.2750.12
810Anita CURTIS - Linda KING-12.783.3694.638