Online RealBridge - Mondays
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 3
IMP Swiss Pairs History  

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Rachel LANGDON - Nikolas MOORE
132Frank DREYER - Lee DREYER-12.383.363.3638
234Fraser REW - Helena DAWSON8.1714.9218.28230.12
326Elizabeth HAVAS - Diana SMART12.2816.6434.9290.12
49Elliott KAPLAN - Bernard EDELSTEIN-6.336.1041.0217
57Bruce NEILL - Kim MORRISON19.2718.7359.7590.12
627Sam ARBER - Richard GREENFIELD1.7811.4671.2190.12
729Donald CARTWRIGHT - Tony ONG-6.685.7576.9613
816Ian THOMSON - Ron KLINGER0.4410.5087.46110.06