Online RealBridge - Mondays
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 3
IMP Swiss Pairs History  

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Helene PITT - Lorna ICHILCIK
120Tony LEIBOWITZ - Louise LEIBOWITZ-3.287.677.6724
224Tony NUNN - Paul DALLEY-9.334.7612.4334
35Jane BEEBY - Michael WILKINSON1.4410.9923.42300.12
47Bruce NEILL - Kim MORRISON-12.443.3626.7837
537Nick HUGHES - Nicoleta GIURA4.3812.7539.53300.12
64George LOVRECZ - Kitty MUNTZ-15.282.4241.9536
731Helen LOWRY - Kate MCCALLUM-11.013.8945.8437
826Elizabeth HAVAS - Diana SMART-8.445.0850.9237