Online RealBridge - Mondays
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 3
IMP Swiss Pairs History  

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Heath HENN - Ernie NEWMAN
111Garry CLARKE - Sally CLARKE6.7314.2514.2570.12
227Sam ARBER - Richard GREENFIELD-4.127.2521.5015
318Neil EWART - Simon HENBEST-20.890.9422.4432
434Fraser REW - Helena DAWSON-1.499.0131.4528
521John SCUDDER - Alan COOPER8.9315.2446.69210.12
624Tony NUNN - Paul DALLEY-17.221.8148.5030
737Nick HUGHES - Nicoleta GIURA-1.729.0157.5131
817Liz FANOS - Margaret FOSTER-6.336.1063.6133