Online RealBridge - Mondays
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 2
IMP Swiss Pairs History  

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Wayne ZHU - Wei ZHANG
113George FLEISCHER - Mathew VADAS9.1715.2415.2450.12
226Elizabeth HAVAS - Diana SMART1316.8932.1310.12
336Rob WARD - Alex PENKLIS26.8920.0052.1310.12
48Pauline GUMBY - Warren LAZER13.616.8969.0210.12
522Maurits VAN DER VLUGT - Andre KORENHOF-27.460.0069.022
629Donald CARTWRIGHT - Tony ONG-1.119.0178.0340.06
73Julian ABEL - Rakesh KUMAR-15.632.4280.458
819Kevin DAVIES - George FINIKIOTIS-16.52.0182.4616